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Mature Aged Workers

Is there such a thing, here on the Sunshine Coast?

Seems to me your over the hill at 30 - not my opinion though. Do Employers consider all the plus factors when considering an older employee for their vacancies. Well maybe we have a few extra wrinkles, but hey that's because we are wiser. No, seriously we are the ones attending work each day, because we're not out raging, calling in sick the next day. We have had the rough edges smoothed by time, so we can relate to others and their pain, you won't find us insulting, the sometimes, grumpy customers - No, we have learnt to bite our tongue, just another one of the many skills we have developed over time.

I remember when I was younger it was a very rare thing to apply and be unsuccessful for a job. Now it seems to be the norm.

I think the Government needs to reassess the situation, maybe some sort of incentive should be offered to help us more mature ones to secure permanent employment.

I am really so over this............... What are your experiences with the unemployment and job-network situation at present.

Crazy Cats

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Cute crazy cats
1 min 11 sec - 26/09/2006
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