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Movie Tickets For Free - Yippee

I was asked to say in twenty five words or less how to prepare for a job interview, with the opportunity to win two free movie tickets to see " The Pursuit of Happiness". Through -

My Career
Site, job feeds.

I did it, so excited ..... I really wanted to see that movie, looks really good.

Interview Tips

It's really important to find out all you can about the Company so firstly I type the company name into the Google Tool Bar, most large co.'s have their own employment opportunities tab allowing you to source all the positions posted. Research all you can about them, when they started, what they sell, I also check out their product lists to get familiar with them. Most important is to get familiar with the Mangers names and their Title, they often have photo's of them so you know who will be conducting the interview before you meet them. I find having prior knowledge helps me feel more confident at the job interview, it also shows them that you have researched their company, you can give them feed back on the presentation of their site if they ask for it.

Highlight Skills

Before you attend the interview make a list of your skills and achievement's. Put some thought into it, think of how you can adapt them to the position your applying for. Use past experience and give them an example of how you saved the day by using your problem solving skills to solve a last minute emergency or whatever applies to you. When they ask you to tell them a little about yourself, tell them about your interests, sport achievements, how you enjoy keeping fit, and direct the conversation toward your list of skills that you have previously prepared.


Crazy Cats

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Cute crazy cats
1 min 11 sec - 26/09/2006
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