Positive & Happy
What a relief, finally a solution. I feel like a huge weight has been taken off my shoulders.
The breaching decision went in my favour, so they obviously found out I was telling the truth.
Centrelink have been very helpful and supportive to me, so I am very greatful for their input.
I spoke to the customer service assistant about the stress and worry I had recently sufferred as a result of someone wrongfully breaching me, and how I would have coped financially if I had been disconnected from my payments for eight weeks. She was understanding of the damage that had been caused, offerring me advice as to what I could do about it, not to let it go unoticed but bring it to the attention of those who could put a stop to this sort of thing happenning. she told me an interesting story. Many years back she was working on the main enquiries counter, when she spotted a lady crying and in great distress. Immediately she took the woman aside and began to comfort her, explaining that she may not be able to give her an immediate solution to all her problems, but she would try her hardest to do all she could to help her. Taking the time to calm her down, endeavouring to investigate her situation.
Some years after she was at a training course and a lady stood up and said, as she pointed at her, "That lady saved my life". To the shock of the service assistant, she then explained that she was the distressed and crying person that had received help from her at centrelink so long ago, explaining how she couldn't cope with her circumstances any longer and planned to take her life, deciding that she would try getting some help from centrelink as her last ditch effort.
After hearing that, she had to go outside and have a cry, as it had never occurred to her the impact she made on that ladies life that day.
In this circle of life, what we put out does tend to come back around.....